It's Good to be a Man

Extending God's house & father-rule by helping men to establish their own houses in strength, workmanship & wisdom.


Socio-sexual dynamics

All about how men and women relate and interrelate—from one-on-one dynamics, to society at large.

Adam and Eve Are Driven out of Eden
11 minutes to read  

Genesis 3:16: Is patriarchy a curse of the fall?

The closest thing to a proof-text for egalitarianism is Genesis 3:16. This seems to say that male headship was established as one of the curses on Eve, and therefore did not exist as part of God’s original good creation. Not only is the total witness of Scripture against this, however, but a closer look at the language of the text itself indicates otherwise.

9 minutes to read  

The psychology of white knights

White knights are men who derive their value from defending damsels in distress against evil forces. They are willing to engage in a fantasy to achieve this—imagining evil women to be damsels, and good men to be dragons. This is a kind of arrested development caused by a failure to emotionally separate from their mother during adolescence.

6 minutes to read  

The real reason men don’t ask women for directions

Because God has designed men and women for distinct purposes, different experiences will “resonate” with our souls, and will cause or prevent connections between us. Reflecting on our simple, everyday experience is therefore important for understanding the deep differences between us. The mundane scenario of getting lost is therefore an instructive window into what God made men and women for, and how it affects our interactions with each other.

5 minutes to read  

Why do men care what women think?

Because marriage can only work if a man is invested in his wife, men have a tendency to make women their source for approval. This is a bug that arises from a good feature. The solution is not to despise women’s influence, nor our call to rule; it is to balance both by placing ourselves under God’s rule and practicing his plan for marriage.

9 minutes to read  

Singleness is not normal

Marriage is the norm that God established for men and women from the beginning, so to normalize singleness is to normalize the abnormal. There is no “gift” of singleness; there is only the gift of celibacy or the curse of singleness. The counsel in 1 Corinthians 7 is given explicitly as special advice to suspend the normal way of life because of persecution—not as general instructions for the entire church age.